This is the diary of an englishman's travels to the Voortrekker monument in Pretoria

9:33 Arrived at the monument to the sight of many chinese tourists, it's funny how they are everywhere even in Pretoria.

9:36 Saw the 5 trees and rock pile memorial. The 5 trees were brought to the area from the 4 provinces and south west africa during the dedication of the building in 1949. 

9:42 The entrance to the monumentr proper reads " architect: gerard moerdyk, completed 1949, cornerstone laid by the descendants of Piet Rietief, Hendrick Potgieter and Andries Pretorius,inauguarted by D.F .Malan on 16 Dec 1949 in front of 25000 people including many descendents of the Voortrekkers.Through the corragated iron gate is entrance to a beautiful garden of lush green grass and surrounded by walls encircled by wagon carvings: the laarger.

9:50 We paused at the statue of a voortrekker lady protecting her children to take pictures and have our picture taken by Tourists

10-10:20 walked the exterior and met on all 4 corners a sculptour of a different voortrekker leader. Pretorius, Potgieter,a typical voortrekker and Rietief.The exterior walls are beatiful with a slight ledge/pyramid brick design.

10:30 Snack time with doritos.

10:40 Looking at the inner wall's architecture the carvings depicting the events of teh voortrekkers from leaving the cape to settlement in the Traansvaal, the workmanship was of the finest quality and really drew out much emotion.

11:00 signed the registeration book right below some random chinese characters.

11: 10 The decision to see the roof of teh monument resulted in us deciding to take the lift rather than the stairs. "the lifts have taken away all the fun of walking to the top" my guide tells me

11:30 arrived at teh top of teh dome to be near face to face with the small window in the roof. apparently the sun only really shines straight down onto the altar below on the 16th of December at 12 noon.Looking down I got a real sense of vertigo and almost fainted.that would have been embarassing.

11:45 Decided to take the long, neverending stairs down, the journey as long and treacherous with only sporatic beams of light from the few windows lighting the stairway.

11:55 Having walked down approximately 207 stairs I finally arrived at the basement of the monument. The basement is characterised by fine voortrekker art and memorabilia but of most interest to me was the flags which surrounded the altar.
These were, in chronological order, the flags of the different voortrekker settlements. many of which had come about by helping the previous inhabitants settle disputes.However many of these were either destroyed or later merged to the ZAR (old Traansvaal).

12:20 Visited the lower basement where I found exhibits on the true nature, lifestyle and every imagined facet of a voortrekkers life

12:30 Visited an exhibition on the history of the monument from an idea at Blood river in 1888 to it's completiona nd celebration in 1949 till the post 1994 projects and celebrations. Fascinating insights into a true landmark of our heritage.
12:40 I'm exhausted and need lunch. I feel enlighted and inspired, ths has to be one of teh finest monuments in the world. Alot smalelr than the Apartheid musuem and a lot less intimidating. It seemed to present one major theme and carry it well. well worth the time and money.

The Voortrekekr monument is open Monday to saturday from 8am till 6pm and can be contacted on (012) 326 6770, 323 0682, 325 7885 or 082 747 1578