It has been confirmed that the controversial painting in the Goodman Gallery depicting President Jacob Zuma with his gentiles hanging has been defaced by two men.

Police have identified the vandal’s as 58 year old,  Barend la Grange, and Limpopo resident Lowie Mabokela. The two men appeared in the Johannesburg regional court this morning, where they were given bail of R1000.

"I did it to diffuse and de-racialise the painting. We have better things to worry about... It was my spoilt ballot paper.” said Barend, who is painting a red  X across Zuma’s face and genitals yesterday.

Mabokela, who followed shortly after Barend, covered the painting with black paint so that it is not visible. In a separate incident, a third man, George Moyo, was also charges after he spray painted the word “respect” on the Goodman Gallery wall yesterday.

Although the African National Congress does not condone the defacing of the painting, they insist that they will continue with the court case.

All three men face charges of malicious damage to property and have had their case postponed to June 28 for further investigation, while Moyo will appear in the Hillbrow Magistrates court on June 14.

  • Sapa and Additional Reporting