On Friday the 2nd of September Julius Malema’s hearing entered day three at Luthuli house in Johannesburg. The day’s proceedings started at 8am with some of Malema’s supporters who travelled from all over South Africa to Bayers Naude Square outside the house of legislature.


Police arrived armed and prepared with barbwire separating them from the supporters. Members of the media were scattered around Luthuli house and Bayers Naude Square. Roads around the venues were closed as members of the special forces police services wearing protective gear stood in smaller groups surrounding the blocked streets.


By mid-day the crowds had reached their maximum potential. Men and women alike were dressed in the African National Congress (ANC) colours which include black, yellow and green. At 11:30 the ANCYL leaders had been introduced to the crowd. The youth leagues spokesperson Floyd Shivambu who is also charged alongside Malema and the leagues deputy President Ronald Lamola, secretary general Sindiso Magaqa, deputy secretary general Kenetswe Masenogi and treasurer general Pule Mabe, had addressed the crowd. Shivambu chanted “Kgalema for 2012 ANC president” and “amandla”. He also reminded the crowd to “kiss the boer” as apposed to shooting them.


At 1pm the supporters were introduced to a young poet who was to recite a poem- about the struggle his parents faced which led to them being “taken away”. However, crowds rejected the man after 2 minutes. Shivambu then took to the stage singing “Malema tebelang dinto tsena” which means Malema remove these things referring to the media. He then told the crowds “we will go even if they shoot or jail us” referring to the police. Some posters read:


A man who chained himself took to the stage chanting “Malema is going to be the next president”, he then translated that in Afrikaans to the excited crowd. The chain man told the supporters that “Malema opened my eyes and head, now I am reasoned”. He then began singing “I can see clearly now” by Johnny Nash. The chained man finished off by saying “my nostrils were blocked, but now because of Malema I can smell economic freedom”.


By 1:15 the crowd was entertained by a young band of students and nine female dancers. At 1:50 the supporters were defeated by springs 25 degrees of heat which got the better of them. Andile Lungisa who is the former deputy president of the youth league (2008-2009) addressed the supporters. He asked “why the media know that the hearing is to continue, when they abided by the constitution of the ANC?”.


10 minutes later Shivambu told the crowd that “every aspect is still being discussed” and “to be patient” Malema will address them. He added that the youth league President will be at the DC [disciplinary committee] on Monday and Tuesday next week. By 2pm the strong crowd had broken into smaller groups. Three hours later Malema had still not arrived. Proceedings had taken longer than expected and he did not address supporters.

Malema had lost the battle to discard the charges against him and will continue with his hearing next week. He is being charged for bringing the party into disrepute and for his comment made about Botswana.