

Ground Zero was yesterday abuzz with those wanting to pay their respects to the victims and heroes of the worst tragedy on U.S soil since Pearl Harbour. On the 11th of September 2001, two Aeroplanes crashed into the iconic Twin Towers and others in the pentagon and Pennsylvania, not only changing the skyline of New York but also the thousands of lives who would be affected but yesterday was as much a honour to those affected by this tragedy as a celebration of how far the country has grown. The ceremony held at Ground Zero was attended by many who were in the center of the action on that dark day from Fireman to Ex president George W. Bush. There were readings of scripture by President Obama and words of Inspiration from George W. Bush but the true telling moments came in the faces of those reading the names of those who lost they had lost that day and the reaction of the Families as they read their loved ones names on the outskirts of the Remembrance Fountain. It was these moments that personify the true impact of this event. Far from the media spotlight and the cameramans flash. the victims and heroes live on. may we never forget.

memorial fountain.ground zero. source: getty