Southern African ubuntu taken to new level.

According to The Star's Business Report released yesterday, Home Affairs Deputy Director-General Jackson Mckay told Ministers at a labour Portfolio comitee, held in parliment on tuesday, that South Africa faced a increasing trend of Zimbabwean nationals crossing the border into South Africa on a monthly basis to collect social grants meant for South Africa's most needy.These Nationals then crossed back over the border spending these grants in their home Nation.They recieved these grants through the use of fraudulent Identity Documents obtained through Home Affairs officials who put them on the database as legitimate Soth African citizens.Not only does this highlight the growing problem of fraudulent documentation and corruption obtained by Non-Citizens but also of the possible economic impact such a trend could have on money circulation in South Africa with Money meant to be Circulated within South Africa now disappearing through a hole in our borders. According to spot checks at the Musin border post in December, over 3000 Zimbabweans had been found with Fraudulent Identity Documents.Mckay was quick to emphasis that such trickery was not exclusive to Zimbabweans but that they were the overwhelming majority.

Identity Document fraud and Corruption is a long time disturbing trend that has been thrust again into the spotlight folowing the discovery and confiscation of hundreds of Fraudulent Home Affairs Documentation and equipment in Hillbrow and Eldorado Park, Johannesburg in recent months. 

Should Zimbabweans be allowed to access South African welfare? Whats the solution?

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