King Mswati the 3rd

Today Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhn announced in Petoria that South Africa
will indeed bail out Swaziland. The loan will be to the sum of $356 million (R2.4 billion). However, Gordhn warned that the loan will only be processed on the grounds that Swaziland improves its financial management systems.

Swaziland which lies on the borders of South Africa and Mozambique has an estimated 1.2 million people. Many of these people did not welcome the announcement because they had hopped that Swaziland the only monarchy in Africa would be forced into a democracy.

Africas third largest sugar producer faced financial troubles and could not pay state workers. However, it was the lifestyle of King Mswati the third which had gained much media attention. The King who has 13 wives, enjoys travelling the world alongside them. He also has a love for hosting cultural celebrations like the annual Reed. In 2009 the Forbes list estimated that King Mswati is worth $100 million.

Parliament's International Relations and Co-operation Director General Jerry Matjila said that the Kings lifestyle is “scandalous amidst such poverty. If South African taxpayer's money will be used, it will have to be used with South African's knowing that their money will really go where it matters most, to bring about a change in the daily lives of the Swazi People".

The money will be transferred through the central bank within three payments. The question remains: Did South Africa bring light to Swaziland by saving the economy or darkness by ending any hope that the monarchy would be a democracy?