The ANC is set to go to court today, to remove the exhibition of controversial painting’s of president Jacob Zuma.

The painting’s, currently being displayed at the Goodman Gallery in Rosebank, depicts president Zuma with his genitals exposed and has sparked up public debate about freedom of speech and privacy. A portrayal that the ANC has labelled as disrespectful and racist. It has vowed to  argue in court today to have the painting removed because it has violated Zuma’s right to dignity and  made a mockery of his office.

"It's rude, it's crude, it's disrespectful, it's racist... I said how about the idea of going to court tomorrow and as we sit there we can take off our trousers... we can walk around with our genitals hanging out... it's crude",said African National Congress secretary general Gwede Mantashe on Monday

They have been supported by the Black Management Forum, who argues that the “vulgar” painting is a tasteless depiction of the president and that the painting “was an attack on black culture”.

Artist Brett Murray and fellow artists, However  believe it to be of artistic taste and freedom of expression. Murray maintains that he never meant any harm on anyone’s dignity as he says his work is an “attempt at humorous satire of political power and patriarchy within the context of other artworks in the exhibition”.

SAPA plus additional reporting