On this day that many of our fellow media companies in America protest the proposed passing of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), we at Global Edge Media (GEM) in South Africa would like to add our voice to those of Wikipedia, Google and Wordpress, to name but a few, who openly oppose the passing of such a bill. As servants of the people, with a duty to provide the information that they, the people, seek we must do all we can to stop the interference of bodies, whether political or not, from censoring the internet in a made up crusade on piracy.

We fear that should such a law be passed it will be detrimental to those seeking for information both within the United states and abroad. In blocking foreign sites it will take the first steps towards the isolation that characterises such systems within those communist nations they despise so greatly

We at GEM in no way condone piracy but feel that there are better ways to address its plague. For when censorship and interference is masqueraded in a cloak labelled "stop piracy" the people should understand that it is not a suppression of piracy but of information and freedom that is to take place.

For information on the Stop Online Piracy Act and how it affects all of us worldwide. Click below