No no. No need to panic, we’re not talking about those dangerous armed stalkers you’ll watch late on Friday night. Instead it’s that ‘sweet girl’ you meet at the bus stop and the next day she is giving you her number. Out of pity you give her yours,Your biggest mistake! Technically society believes that a guy is meant to be the chaser not the other way round but, partly because of the world we now live in; girls now have the courage to approach a guy and dish out their feelings. That can be either a good or, most times, a bad thing.




Most people may never really imagine a girl chasing a guy let alone going as far as becoming a stalker, but everyone has their own definition of what a stalker is and what they should do to be labeled a one.

Often if a girl is clinging onto a guy the advice his friends are likely to give him is that “Before you do anything stupid, SHAG HER SENSELESS! Then you can start thinking about ways to get rid of her”.  Now don’t be fooled because that may sound like a great idea, but newsflash!  that can only tell her that you are so into her that you could not resist her obvious charm and when  that happens it is close to impossible to get rid of her. At which moment your friends can do nothing more that laugh at you.   

 Well if you having a problem with a girl who is so into you but you strongly do not feel the same, then it’s just your luck day because we have put together a few pointers on how you can get rid of her.

So on the count of  SIX:

1.    Be nasty and mean and just make her hate you – Most girls can always trust a guy to do the dirt on them. I mean a lot of guys have been referred to as jerks so maybe this may be the time to live up to that title!

2.    Do not cross the legal lines –Whatever method you try do not do anything illegal because in a case of a girl stalking a guy it can be pretty hard for a guy to be believed without concrete proof. Even worse when you have slept with her so you might want to think twice before you use that baseball bat on her head – after all she is just a girl you know.

3.    Make her feel she is the one who broke it off because you were a son of a bitch, that should make a good story to tell her girls

4.    Can always pretend to be a nerd, She’ll vacate like rats on a sinking ship. Some girls do not like science so talking about airplanes or calculating the rate of curvature of an airplane wing using calculus can be social suicide. Just pray she isn’t a dork herself because if she is you probably going to be listed as her “MR RIGHT”- Eish!

5.    You can try honesty –  Be nice and tell her that you do not like her in a romantic way or whatever else she has made up in her head- because believe me it can be a lot less scary than COMMITMENT.

6.    Change your email address and your phone numbers and make sure she does not know where you stay, chances are you will never hear from her again.

We hope you have the courage and zeal to deal with that weird kind of girl and everyone else: I hope you learn how to prevent it from happening, After all prevention is better than cure.