In medieval times mood disorders were often assigned a religious cause, often resulting in a dismal outcome for the sufferer. Today mood disorders specifically bipolar are scientifically well researched and treatable. However for those suffering with any form of mood disorder sometimes do not understand what is happening to them, so without the technically loaded terms doctors enjoy springing upon people, let's get serious about bipolar in an easy understandable way.

Bipolar mood disorder is the result of an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain that regulate the human body's moods, such as serotonin. This imbalance can occur from high impact to the head, result of situational causes or a person may be born with this.

Indications of bipolar, although not the sole determines of bipolar are sever mood swings, as indicated in the name bipolar, either manic mood states to deep depressive states. Other indications include a lack of energy and sometimes suicidal tendencies. However these indications, a basic outline of bipolar, are common during times of stress and hardship and does not mean one is suffering from the condition.

Bipolar is easily treated through various medications depending of the severity and type of bipolar, categorised by three types. Anti-depressants, mood stabilisers, sedidatives and anti-anxiety medications can be used to treat bipolar, and if one follows instructions, maintains a healthy lifestyle and imperatively does not consume alcohol, a suffer can live a fulfilling life.

It is important that, if you think you are suffering from this condition to seek medical advice and help, and to understand that you are not alone in your fight to beat the condition. Nor should you feel ashamed or embarrassed, bipolar is a medical condition like heart disease that needs to be treated and can be treated.