Usually when it comes to meeting someone who is right for you is said to be the hardest part. Finding that perfect other. But . . . actually the real hard part is maintaining that relationship with the person who are now in that relationship with. Men as well as woman make mistakes in the relationships that sometimes lead to break ups. A well known one is when the woman tells the man she wants some space away from him. Now this is not always a bad thing the only bad thing about this statement is the way it is said. When a woman says to her boyfriend she wants some space she is sending out a wrong message because now the male in the relationship thinks that she is going to break up with him. The woman should rather say I have a lot of work to do the next few days but I can't wait to see you when I'm done, by saying this instead of i want some space away from you a misunderstanding is avoided. This is a good example how miscommunication in a relationship can be misinterpreted by either partner. Sometimes in a relationship one partner could feel more strongly than the other. this person doesn't always have to be the woman in the relationship, a man can also feel more strongly than the women. This why in a relationship you have to be careful how you say things to your partner because once something is said it can never be taken back. If the person becomes really hurt by what the other has said it could cause a break up and the person could be really hurt by what the other said. So its best to communicate clearly and sensitivly in a relationship, because hurtful things may not be punishable forever but they can be remembered forever.