Its early Saturday morning the 1
st of October. The sun is rising, the birds are singing and it off to Sun City for Spring Break we go. The earlier you go the better because there’s less traffic and you get to Sun City sooner to start off the Spring Break weekend.



Valley of the Waves was the venue for Sun City’s Spring Break. The day was packed with lots of sun, hot guys and girls showing off their bodies and DJs Grant and Anele from 5fm and John Walland and Darren Scott from Jacaranda. As the day went on more and more people came into Valley of the Waves. Waiters and waitresses were walking around so you could order drinks instead of waiting to buy them in a line. Unfortunately you had to wait in a long queue if you wanted food. All around the valley you could hear people screaming their lungs out from the Temple of Courage as they went down that 90 degree angle slide.  The day at Valley of the Waves ended well with everyone having had an awesome time swimming in the waves, sun tanning, drinking and enjoying the rides. To top the day off the great music and stage events made the day an even better one.


After a day of Spring Break fun at Valley of the Waves the expectation of the after party to be even better than the day was a high one. It was held in the Sun City Superbowl. But the party ended up being below what the crowd expected. Inside the Sun City casino area was packed with thousands of people. To get inside the Superbowl venue was chaotic. Some people formed a line and some didn’t. This caused a massive herd of people pushing each other to get inside the Superbowl. Many people became frustrated and fights amongst people resulted. There was no order or bouncers to control the crowd of people like there were in the day.  Even the bus stop where people caught the buses back to the hotels or car park was even more chaotic with people pushing to get onto a bus.


Finally after pushing and shoving for 2 hours to get inside for the party. I could say that I was not only one disappointed. The Superbowl venue looked lower budget than a high school play. There was no decorations symbolizing Spring Break, just a hall empty except for the stage and screen done up for the bands and DJ. There were 2 tables selling drinks and the people queuing for that were insane it was too long at times to bother waiting that long for a drink. Surprisingly there was a good turn out of people but they were there for the bands that were: Locnville, Jax Panik, Chiano Sky, The Graeme Watkins Project and DJ Lior Manelis. Needless to say the majority of the crowd commented that after a chaotic night like that, next year they are defiantly going to H20 rather. So all I can say after a Spring Break like that is next year H20 baby here I come!

Monique De Nobrega