“I never had a slice of bread particularly large and wide that did not fall upon the floor and always on the buttered side”


We have all met him, in fact we are all very familiar with his work, we see the fruits of his labour everyday, in all that we do, and yet none of us like him, it would be better if he just stayed away, because he has a habit of arriving at the perfectly wrong time. It would best if we all remain seated, no one raises their glasses and there will be no round of applause, because even that may go wrong in the event of the arrival of Murphy, Murphy’s Law. If anything can go wrong, it will. If nothing can go wrong, it will go wrong anyway. This is the wonderful art that is Murphy’s Law. Most will agree that Murphy’s Law has paid them one too many visits and has over stayed his welcome every time.


Although these may seem like random unlucky events planned just to frustrate you and make your life just that much harder, they actually form part of certain theories, such as. Murphy’s Law of thermodynamics: Things get worse under pressure. Quantization revision of Murphy’s Law: Everything goes wrong all at once. Murphy’s constant: Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value. Murphy’s Law of research: Enough research will tend to support any theory, and an addition to Murphy’s Law: Every solution breeds new problems. Murphy’s Law states that if your advance is going well; you are walking into an ambush.


The term Murphy’s Law comes from an engineer, Capt. Edward A. Murphy, who worked for the US air force in the 1940s, and he was working on a project to determine how much deceleration a person could handle when about to crash. After finding that the wiring was wrong in one of the aeroplanes, he reprimanded the technician responsible and said “If there is anyway to do it wrong, he will find it.” The project manager had a list of rules and he added this statement to it and named the list “Murphy’s Law”. Today if anything goes wrong, that event can be coined as Murphy’s Law.


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Murphy’s Law will never harm me. We all think that at the end of every bad day that no harm was done and the Murphy’s Law cannot harm you, physically anyway, much like how words are not meant to harm you. This is not true, because according to Murphy’s wonderful laws, the shin bone is a device for finding furniture in the dark. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who do not. When you starve a tiger, the tiger starves last. There are also some unconventional laws to Murphy, like the law of motivation: creativity is great but plagiarism is faster. The law of common sense: never accept a drink from an urologist. The law of reality: sometimes you are the idiot.


Each man controls his own destiny they say, and generally people agree with this statement, which means is it really fair to blame Murphy’s Law when things go wrong? This is a question we each have to answer ourselves; I can only leave you with one small piece of advice, smile… Tomorrow may be worse.