Do angels exist? If so, what role do they play in religion?

These ethereal beings are present in four major religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Zoroastrianism, as well as minor religions such as Spiritualism. Each of these religions view angels in a different light (excuse the pun) and different people within the same religious groups also have contradicting views about angels.

It is no surprise that some people claim to have seen one or many angels during their lifetimes, and therefore do not doubt their existence. However, there wll always be sceptical individuals who hold fast to their "seeing is believing" view. The irony is that religion is about believing in something, without seeing or encountering it on a physical level.

What is the purpose of angels? From a religious perspective, angels exist in order to serve as divine mediators between God (the supreme life force) and humanity. The Bible, for instance, claims that God made humans just a little lower than th "heavenly beings". Many Spiritualists believe that every person has a guardian angel, who is with them since birth and has the sole purpose of protecting the human from harm. These guardian angels may also serve as companions to humans; thus making them our "divine friends".

Angels are notorious for being able to change their form and appearance. The beggar on the street could be an angel seeking out a person with pure intentions, for example. You may describe your best friend as a "true angel", just because she lent you her car. Angels often appear in dreams and meditations, usually warning a person about some impending threat. Because of angels, death is seen as a somewhat less frightening experience, as these beings accompany a spirit into the Other World or Heaven.

Clearly, stories about angel encounters have not (and most probably will not) die out. They are an integral part of our lives, whether we like it or not. The only thing left to do is close your eyes and feel the gentle caress of an angel's wing. Oh, and the next time you see a white feather nearby, smile. You never know who might just be watching...