Is there a link between religion and the business world?

Although it would not seem likely, there is an apparent link between faith and finance. Many financial advisers feel that it is of high importance to address the issue of religion with prospective clients. However, this should be done with all necessary caution. 

Religion and ethics are parallel to each other, and ethics are prominent in the financial world, too. Religion provides companies with useful strategies for reaching financial goals (and helps them to determine those goals in the first place). Bosses should be aware of their employees' beliefs in order to respect their religious holidays, and give them the appropriate leave they need.

Furthermore, it would be unethical for a Christian boss to expect a Muslim employee to partake in the company's annual "pork braai". Also, a Jewish employee could not ask a Mormon employer if he/she would like some coffee.

A certain amount of understanding is necessary for business associates to flourish as work partners, but keep in mind that it is not necessary to share the entire history of your religion with your co-workers. And whatever you do, do NOT try to convert a fellow employee.
Respect, as in the business world, is just as important in religion.

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