We are approaching the end of October, which means...it's almost Halloween. While some are excited about these festivities, others are dreading it. Every year, on the 31st of October, groups of people gather to commemorate this event. Halloween is acknowledged worldwide,whether it is celebrated or hated.

Despite its popularity, Halloween is still a greatly misunderstood holiday. What exactly is Halloween all about, anyway? Is it the anniversary of Satan's birthday, or a feast for dead people? Do Christians celebrate Halloween?

The origins of halloween can be traced back to Samhain, an ancient Celtic festival, but also to the Roman feast of Pomona. However, the name 'Halloween' most commonly refers to All Hallows Evening (with reference to the Roman-Catholic festival of All Saints' Day).

Halloween is celebrated by traditional games and activities, such as 'trick-or-treating', which involves going from one house to another in order to collect candy. If a neighbour doesn't have candy (the treat), then they will be 'tricked' (as in 'spooked'). The most popular symbol associated with halloween is the jack-o'-lantern, a hollowed-out pumpkin with a carved face which is 'brought to life' by placing a candle inside it. Other images that are used during this time, are ghosts, witches, vampires, zombies, and generally anything scary. Black and orange are the colours most associated with this holiday.

It is said that the veil between the living and dead is the thinnest on this night; that is why ghosts and other creatures roam free. The jack-o'-lantern' is therefore used to ward these spirits away. Trick-or-treaters dress in costumes to disguise themselves. In that way, they will not be 'spooked'.

All this seems quite harmless, right? What is all the uproar about, then?

Priests and religious leaders argue that Halloween is evil, because it is the anniversary of the day that the devil was born. Subsequently, celebrating Halloween would mean honouring Satan. But how accurate is this viewpoint really? If halloween does indeed originate from the ancient pagan festival of Samhain, this viewpoint cannot be valid. Pagans do not worship the devil, but perhaps their religion was labelled as 'evil' because it did not include Jesus Christ. That is the only seemingly logical explanation (not that religion is logical in any way).

Although Halloween is a major event in the USA, it is still celebrated in South Africa. Just visit Showbiz in Cresta and you will be overwhelmed by all the eerie decorations. Have you noticed all the horror movies that are set for release soon?

Everyone has their own opinion about Halloween, and mine is: if you believe someting is true, then it is. If Halloween is simply your excuse to have a fancy-dress party, then so be it. If you lock all your doors on the 31st out of fear that Satanists will attack you, then I most certainly wish you a good night.

Either way, sleep tight...

* Photo courtesy of tradekorea.com