We are all aware of the main world religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. However, most people would frown when asked about the Creativity Movement, Nation of Yahweh, Universe People, and the Church of the Subgenius. However strange, these religions do exist.

So, what exactly triggered the start of these movements? In a nutshell, most religions are started by individuals who consider themselves to be "bringers of light"; people who were sent to earth on a special mission. These individuals most probably reached a point where they felt they could no longer identify with existent religions. Therefore, they created their own, and acquired followers to enforce their beliefs.

You might wonder: how many religions are there in the world? Of course, there are 21 major ones, but what about the others? Where do they fit in?

Smaller, more "unusual" religions provide a means of expression for those who feel that they do not belong in one of the mainstream faiths. Furthermore, they contribute to religious diversity; something every country needs.
Now, let's explore the less common global religions.

The Creativity Movement is a whites-only religion that may be used interchangeably with the term, "Church of the Creator". This "creator" does not refer to a deity, but rather to the white people themselves. By contrast, the Nation of Yahweh accepts Yahweh ben Yahweh as the son of God, and therby departs from Christianity and Judaism. The Church of All Worlds is based upon a neo-pagan religion wherein followers use fiction as a foundation for their faith. The founder, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, was inspired to create the Grey School of Wizardry by using Harry Potter's Hogwarts School as an example. Universe people, which started in the Czech Republic, is based on the existence of extraterrestrial beings, and their ability to communicate with us. In this religion, Jesus himself is seen as a "fine-vibrations" being. Ironically, the Church of the Subgenius is a parody of religion; it is an attack against religion, as it promotes slack.

Most likely the above religions are as strange to you as they were to me. Some are so farfetched that they cannot even be considered as religions at all. However, they form part of our ever-changing world and all we can do, is embrace them.

* Image and information courtesy of www.listverse.com