Where do we go when we die?

Do we go to Heaven, the Summerlands, or the Spirit World? Do we even physically go anywhere? If there is a heaven, what does it look like?

These are all definitely unanswerable questions. Unfortunately, death is an issue that we do not have much knowledge about. In order to find out more about the afterlife, we rely on scriptures and stories about near-death experiences. The fact is that we cannot fully believe any of these stories; therefore we trust our own judgement. Considering the many views of the afterlife from a religious perspective, this article will focus on the Spiritualist "heaven", a.k.a. the Spirit World.

According to Spiritualists, the afterlife does not consist of a heaven and hell (I will not use capital letters here). This does not mean, however, that people can do whatever they want on earth. Spiritualists believe that your good deeds during your lifetime will determine your happiness in the afterlife. An evil spirit will surely not be able to find rest, and will therefore dwell among the living in a different realm of consciousness.

The universe consists of various planes/realms. We live on earth, and are surrounded by other planets. All these components create the Physical Realm. It is important to note that the Spirit World is not regarded as separate from the Physical Realm, but merely as situated on a different level of vibration. Upon dying, we may or may not enter the next realm: the Quantum Realm. This level of existence is the level between our world and the Spirit World. Here, you will find spirits who are 'lost' or  battling to 'move on', because they simply cannot accept their death. The next realm is the Astral Realm. The Astral Realm is very similar to the world we live in. Spirits who have communicated from this level, have stated that there are astral trees, flowers, houses, and even schools. Spirits who exist here, carry on with their normal routines; they even enjoy their favourite foods (although food is not necessary). The greatest feature of this realm is undoubtedly its beauty, as it is famous for its crystal streams, lush grass and fertile valleys. Moreover, animals and all other creatures carry on living in Spirit in the Astral Realm. For Spiritualists, the death of a beloved pet does not mean an eternal loss of a four-legged friend. Some celestial beings, such as angels and fairies, may also be found here. The last level of the Spirit World is the Ethereal realm. This is where the Supreme Being (sometimes referred to as 'Infinite Intelligence') and the celestial beings dwell. Because Spiritualists do not discredit other religions, they often include Jesus, Allah and Buddha in their descriptions of the Ethereal Realm. This realm is the highest level of existence and it is a place of eternal bliss and perfection.

Every spirit in the Spirit World is on an endless journey towards the Ethereal Realm, but some may never achieve this goal. Spiritualists believe that reincarnation is possible, if so wished. A spirit may need more than one life to achieve ultimate perfection.

Clearly, the Spiritualist view of the afterlife is not a simple one. The essence of this viewpoint can be summed up into one sentence: Death is not something to be feared, because it is not the end.

As Goethe once said: "The Spirit World shuts not its gates; your heart is closed, your senses sleep."