Hindus are no longer just Hindus. Oh no! They are either part of Shaivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism, or Smartism. You aren't a Buddhist; you must be a Mahayana or Theravada practicee.

Religious denominations are subgroups within religions, each having their own distict tradition, culture, and values. The concept of different denominations within religions is not a new one. Denominations have been prominent for quite a while, and it seems they are here to stay. This issue poses the question: Which religious denominations are 'right', and which are 'wrong'?

To some, the idea of splitting one religion into various sections poses many problems. Ironically, religious wars do not just occur between different religions, but between different subgroups of one religion. The purpose of a religion is to unite and unify its followers to such an extent that their religious group becomes their second 'families'. People belonging to one religion should feel comfortable in their group, and not regard other denominations as being inferior to theirs. After all, the essence of Protestantism is the same as that of Anglicanism: a belief in Jesus Christ. Another reason why people are opposed to the idea of religious denominations, is the fear that the values being taught in one denomination might oppose those taught in others.

Don't get me wrong; religious denominations are not entirely negative. There are people who find it immensely difficult to identify with their religion on a personal, intimate level, which is easier to do within a denomination. Members of religious subgroups can share a variety of things and can really learn to 'connect' with one another.
perhaps you do not agree with certain aspects of your religion; you want to maintain the basis of your faith, but some things just don't gain your preference. The solution? Find another denomination. In that way, you won't lose the essence of your faith.

It is, however, important to remember that your group is still part of a bigger picture. Overall, Reconstructionist Jews are still Jews. Whether you're part of the Sunni- or Shia branch of Islam, you are still a Muslim. Obviously, there are no 'right' or 'wrong' denominations, just as there are no 'right' or 'wrong' religions. It is necessary to explore the different denominations of a religion, in order to fully understand the broadness of the religion.

* Image courtesy of scripturedig.com