There's no question about it: psychic medium John Edward has taken the world by storm!

John visited South Africa recently and intrigued audiences of all ages in Cape Town, KwaZulu-Natal, and Johannesburg. He also has a t.v. show about his experience in our country, called "John Edward: Spirit of South Africa", which still airs on Sundays on SABC 3.

It is clear that John's visit to S.A. caused a lot of controversy. As usual, sceptics were quick to jump into accusation mode, dubbing Mr Edward a 'false prophet', while others truly applaud his profound abilities. The fact is: although John Edward is such a popular celebrity, very few people know his life history.

Contrary to assumptions, John is actually Catholic. He considers his psychic abilities as God-given talents. As a 15-year-old, John first discovered his 'gift' after being impressed by another psychic's reading. He states that the psychic astonished him with all the things she knew about him, without having met him prior to the reading. That same psychic predicted that John would one day become internationally known, and this inspired him to develop his psychic powers. During his teenage years, John regularly communicated with his deceased family members, including his grandfather and mother. This communication was done through visitations in which these spirits materialised before him.

But how exactly does John receive messages while on stage? Well, he reckons messages come to him 'like a daydream'; it's just a mere feeling that he gets. Furthermore, John often comments that he is 'pulled' to a certain part of his audience, hereby recognising who is to receive a psychic message.

John believes that all people have the ability to commune with spirits, but we are all so absorbed in the physical world, that we sometimes completely forget about the spirit world.

Do you picture yourself as an aspiring medium? Follow John's three tips to develop your psychic powers.
1. Permission: Do not close your connection to the spirit world. Become attuned to those who have passed on, and try to establish a connection with him/her.
2. Recognition: Recognise, and be aware of, any form of spiritual information. Do not be afraid of communicating with spirits; embrace your psychic abilities.
3. Acceptance: Messages do not always appear in a clear form; they often need interpretation, or they may contain symbolism. Consider all the possible meanings attached to one message.

In order to become a successful medium like John Edward, one has to realise that psychic readings are not everyone's cup of tea. Also, don't forget that mediums are only human: they do not have all the answers to the questions of life. They can merely help us on our life journey by providing us with useful information about the here and now, even if some things are not always that obvious...

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