Who would have thought that religion and ecology could be so closely linked?

Nature is something that has stood the test of time; it has been with us forever, and will continue being there, if we respect and treasure it. This is one of the common goals between world religions: to protect the earth.

However, this sacred veneration is often misinterpreted as "worship", and is thereby labelled as evil or sin. Some argue that God created nature, so nature should not be given any credit; it all stems from God. Others believe that nature exists in order to serve us, and we can use and abuse it just as we like. Why? Because God created it for humans...

If you share this view, I have to urge you to change your opinion as soon as possible. As with everything in life, there has to be a balance within nature. For instance, chop a tree, and plant another one in its place. Nature cannot flourish without us, and we cannot flourish without nature. It is necessary to acknowledge nature as a small part of God's creation, therefore it may be considered holy. This does not mean that, by recognising the beauty of a flower, we are insulting God by "worshipping" nature. 

Spring has sprung and it's time to start seeking the beauty of the world around us, so don't be afraid to feel a spiritual connection with nature. 

* Photo courtesy of DYNDY.