Prayer is more than just reciting a few meaningful lines; it is an immediate interaction with God. When we pray, we merge with our creator. That is why some people firmly believe that prayer gives them strength.

There are so many different ways to pray; it can become completely overwhelming. The most important thing to remember when praying, is that you are not doing it to impress anyone. Your creator knows who you truly are, therefore pretending to be someone else would be inappropriate. Pray in a way that makes you feel comfortable, otherwise the prayer would be pointless. Also remember that a long prayer is not necessarily a good prayer. Keep your prayers simple, concise, and sincere. A meaningful prayer should contain any of your personal issues that you feel should be addressed at that time. Perhaps you need help with domestic issues, or a broken friendship... Include this in your prayer. Do not assume that anything is unimportant and remember that praying is not just about you. Always give thanks for all the many blessings in your life, because this is the essence of prayer.

These useful tips still apply to people who do not pray in a "traditional" way. If you feel that meditation is your own way of connecting with God, then so be it. Meditate on your life: your family, friends, possessions, etc. Clear your mind of all obstructions and focus on your energy merging with God.

Whichever way you see it, prayer is inevitably a part of religion. It gives us hope in difficult situations; it provides us with an escape from outside pressures; it renews us.

Prayer is certainly one of the everlasting things in the world.