[Haile Salassie

Rastafari- a newly established religion based on African traditions, became popular  particularly for its reggae music; followers of the religion are known as Rastafarians, Locksmen or Rasta. It  first started out as a black orientated movement and currently has approximately one million followers throughout Japan and New Zealand.

Marcus Garvey a political leader then, prophesied  that a king would be crowned in Africa and would redeem all black people who had been held captive during the colonization of the Europeans as black people were considered to be the chosen one’s according to Rastafari. Haile Salassie became king and the Rastafari religion was established-  the religion’s initial motive entailed improving living standards for black people. Salassie died in 1915 and Rastafarians believe he was the only god, that could steer the movement.

They retrieve many laws from the old testament  and believe that god can appear in human form, hence followers belief in Salassie.

The Rastafari conduct is against contraception as well as termination of pregnancy. Some of the Rastafari customs include practicing a strict diet that forbids them from consuming alcohol, Coffee, milk, shellfish and  pork. They believe that the smoking of what they refer to as ‘the holy herb or wisdom weed’, enhances spiritual responsiveness. Music plays a significant role in Rastafari religion the mix of African drums and 19th century gospel is most common in the religion better known as ‘Nyabengi’ they also not allowed to have any tattoos  or cut their hair as that is a form of symbolism representing the mane of the lion.

[The Nyabengi drum]

[Custom look of a Rastafarian]